Missing this Sunday's event would certainly qualify one as a dunce. This Sunday, April 27, 2008,
WunderBABE Lee Klevens is hosting a ride/bowl/Big Lebowski event in Pittsburgh. It'll be a city ride to bowling, then to the Regent Square Theater for a big screen showing of the Coen Brother's Masterpiece, The Big Lebowski... http://pghfilmmakers.org/exhibition/upcoming.html#lebowski
Lee's announcement below...
A Big Lebowski Ride and More!
Hey there, We are going to celebrate a special big screen showing of The Big Lebowski the way fun loving mountain bikers do. There will be a ride that leads us to Arsenal Lanes for some bowling and white russians/food/&?. Then we will ride to Regent Square to view The Big Lebowski on the big screen at 8PM. Afterwards there is always D's for more.
Date: Sun 4/27
Time: 4:15-4:30
Place: Parking lot at Frick Park Tennis Courts (Braddock Ave. by Forbes)
Bring: Lock, blinkie, cash (movie $8, bowling-shoes $3+$3.50/game, White Russians/food $
more, other $ even more), and a smile.
Questions: Lee 725 612 5571
Consider this a pre-test for the big BABE LebowskiFist event in June. I can assure you, this woman attended to her lessons...
Consider this a pre-test for the big BABE LebowskiFist event in June. I can assure you, this woman attended to her lessons...

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