Okay, it's been two years since the Whiskey Daredevils have come to Pittsburgh. I think it's time to conclude they ain't coming. Youngstown is good enough. So is Charleston. Buffalo? Sure, why not. Erie, you say? Adopted brothers. But Pittsburgh is off limits. I can only imagine why. Was it Joel at the 31st Street? Was it our blessed Turnpike system? How about physical threats? Hmmmm... perhaps. Maybe it's our lack of casinos, six-pack shops and dog race tracks. I've asked more than once. I'm not worthy of the knowledge. So be it.
Now onto someone truly worthy... Slim Cessna is again coming to Pittsburgh. This time at Club Cafe (this is worthy of it's own post...) on June 3rd. This will sell out. If you'd like tickets, let me know. I'm in town everyday and would like spread the gospel. It's a Tuesday night. No matter, a good deep spiritual soul cleansing should not be mortally constrained. Every second is a gift from God. Use it wisely.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
This is your homework Larry...

Missing this Sunday's event would certainly qualify one as a dunce. This Sunday, April 27, 2008,
WunderBABE Lee Klevens is hosting a ride/bowl/Big Lebowski event in Pittsburgh. It'll be a city ride to bowling, then to the Regent Square Theater for a big screen showing of the Coen Brother's Masterpiece, The Big Lebowski... http://pghfilmmakers.org/exhibition/upcoming.html#lebowski
Lee's announcement below...
A Big Lebowski Ride and More!
Hey there, We are going to celebrate a special big screen showing of The Big Lebowski the way fun loving mountain bikers do. There will be a ride that leads us to Arsenal Lanes for some bowling and white russians/food/&?. Then we will ride to Regent Square to view The Big Lebowski on the big screen at 8PM. Afterwards there is always D's for more.
Date: Sun 4/27
Time: 4:15-4:30
Place: Parking lot at Frick Park Tennis Courts (Braddock Ave. by Forbes)
Bring: Lock, blinkie, cash (movie $8, bowling-shoes $3+$3.50/game, White Russians/food $
more, other $ even more), and a smile.
Questions: Lee 725 612 5571
Consider this a pre-test for the big BABE LebowskiFist event in June. I can assure you, this woman attended to her lessons...
Consider this a pre-test for the big BABE LebowskiFist event in June. I can assure you, this woman attended to her lessons...

Friday, April 18, 2008
Good Guys Dance

My favorite author is Don DeLillo. He has been that since, 15 years ago, I pulled his play, "The Day Room", from the 75 cent book bin at Wal-Mart. It was small and, being a play, appeard to be quick free reading while I awaited the lovely to be done shopping. I sat down next to the life size plastic Ronald McDonald and read that play. I was mesmerized both by his writing style and the subject matter. It changed me. I've since read all of his books. His worlds speak to me from another place. My favorte is Underworld. Soon I will have read it four times. I found this piece on the Onion's website. As with all good satire (and The Onion is the best), it's speaks to truth. Someone else likes him too...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I'm Just a Caveman...
As often happens on a quiet Sunday evening, I spent a few hours doing some trail maintenance at Brady's Run this past weekend. But what was different about this weekend was that I awoke on Monday morning with a tick buried into my right side. The blood sucker can very clearly be seen in the photograph above, right in my kidney area. Now I've spent at least 40 of my years outside and in the woods and I've never had a parasite bury itself into my flesh. Needless to say I found the entire episode a bit unsettling. On the plus side, I did have a wonderful little tool on hand to make the tick extraction quite effortless and dare I say, satisfying. The tool is called "Ticked Off" and it works magically. I tell you this as a public service and highly recommend getting one of these on hand, in the unfortunate chance you find yourself infested.
Like I say, just thought, you know, fair warning. Tell Walter.
Now further on the subject of me being a cave man. I want to apologize for the official BABE Club web site. For quite some time now, for some reason, I am no longer able to update that site. In addition, I cannot figure out how to direct that domain name to this site so at least the information can be more up to date. Apparently Comcast changed something and now I can't update anything on the site. Undoubtedly, to get this resolved, I'm going to have to call them on the phone, which I'm sure will turn out to be quite painful and frustrating. I think I'd rather have another tick.

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Things are Starting to Stack Up

Two events in one day, but unfortunately, you can't do both :-(
- Denali Cycles Annual Brady's Run Pancakes Ride - Meet at 9:00am at Ice Arena - Ride leaves at 9:30am. Pancakes feast at the lodge following the ride.
- PTAG Frick Park Gala - http://ptagtrails.com/?p=56 - Those interested in driving up together, meet at 8:45am for a 9am departure time at Hollywood Gardens Parking lot in Rochester (169 Pinney Street or link to here for directions... http://tinyurl.com/6d9yx3 )
And a reminder that BABES will be going to Cleveland next Saturday to ride at Ray's Indoor Mountain Bike Park. http://www.raysmtb.com/ We'll be leaving around 9:30am, with arrival at Ray's between 11-11:30am. Some of us are planning on taking in dinner, a few what-have-yous and a musical show after the ride. We'll be staying over and coming back to Beaver on Sunday.
If you're interested in joining in any or all of this fun filled extravaganza next weekend, please email me at babeclub@comcast.net
Ride on,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
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