Wednesday, March 10, 2010


After some technical difficulties with Blogspot, I'm finally able to post again.  And while my time is much more restricted than it used to be, I do know I want to ride more in 2010.  And ride I will.

We've already been fortunate to get in a few townie rides this spring and I hope that can keep up.  Especially once the time change occurs this weekend. 

As of now, here are the dates for the rides we have scheduled so far in 2010:

Syrup Ride - Sunday, April 11 @10am - ride starts at Beacom Road trail head to avoid the traffic mess in the park.

Dirt Rag Dirt Fest - '10 - Friday, May21-23 - more information forthcoming on this event

BABE Club's 4th Annual Lebowski Fist - Bowling, Ride and What-have-you - Saturday, June 19 - details forthcoming.

Ride on,

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