The Two Hearted/Two Musicians New Moon Ride - Thursday, July 3, 2008PlusThe Moraine/North Country Brewing Ride - Sunday, July 6, 2008I'm going to do a townie ride this Thursday evening. It'll start at Beaver Valley Bowl in Rochester to continue quaffing that delicious Bell's Two Hearted Ale left over from Saturday's Lebowski Fist extravaganza. After a few of those, it'll be on the bike to ride around town, eventually ending up in New Brighton to see two musicians playing some acoustic music on stage at Wooley Bully's. After sufficient entertainment has been accomplished,
a pleasant ride back to Rochester will ensue.
If anyone is interested in joining me, give me a call, reply to this email, or just show up at BV Bowl at 6:30pm on Thursday.
Don't forget to bring lights. A white front and a rear read blinky light is recommended for optimal visability.
If the weather is agreeable, I'll bring along "25 pounds of sounds" to enhance the ambiance of the evening.
Also, on Sunday, I'm planning on doing a Mountain Bike Ride at Moraine State Park with an after ride beer at North Country Brewing in Slippery Rock. Leave at 9:30am from the Brady's Run Ice Arena.
I hope to see you at one or both of these rides. It's Summer, let's get it on!!!
Ride on,